Meagan Thistle takes great pride in her work as managing editor of the Psych Congress Network (PCN) and Neurology Learning Network, and overseeing the new Psych Congress NP Institute Microlearning Site. “I work with my incredible, bright team of editors to disseminate high-quality news, insights, and resources to the field,” she said.  In the nearly three years she has worked for HMP Global, Thistle has coordinated and fostered relationships with a dedicated group of section editors, steering committee, and faculty members to consistently create engaging multimedia content for mental health clinicians. “My diligent team and I have invested a lot of time and hard work into establishing a robust on-site presence for PCN during internal conferences, fostering a highly efficient interview process,” she said. “Working with esteemed Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and faculty members, who can be characterized by dedication, brilliance, and enthusiasm, stands as a highlight and source of joy within my professional responsibilities.”Shoutout to the invaluable contributions of our partners within the education team, whose consistent support has significantly streamlined our operations.” “Meagan is a terrific advocate for her team and an invaluable resource for HMP Global,” said Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor, Behavioral Healthcare Executive and Addiction Professional. “Whether it’s making smart edits to improve our content, taking the time to provide a crash course on a new tool or process, or simply just being there when you need someone to bounce an idea off of, I appreciate everything she brings to our group. Outside of work, she enjoys spending long days at the beach, going to concerts, playing volleyball with her friends, cooking, going out to dinners, traveling the world with her husband Nick, and spending time with family. “My husband and I have been renovating our home for a little over three years now,” she said. “I never thought I’d know how to lay a subfloor, install insulation, tile a backsplash, or operate this many power tools. While many more tasks lie ahead, I am so proud of our accomplishments and hard work.”   Meagan, thank you for all you do and for being part of the HMP Global team!